Masimo MightySat Rx

Masimo MightySat Rx

Item no.

Masimo SET® - superior technology used in hospitals worldwide with Masimo Signal Extraction Technology® (SET®) Measurethrough Motion and Low Perfusion™-Pulsoximetry

Unique parameters and displays

Perfusion index (PI)
The ratio of pulsatile blood flow to non-pulsatile blood in peripheral tissue to measure peripheral blood flow.

Pleth variability index (PVI)
A measurement of the dynamic changes of the perfusion index (PI) during the respiratory cycle..

Signal IQ (SIQ)
Located below the plethysmographic curve. The height of the vertical line allows the evaluation of the signal quality of the displayed SpO2 value.

Plethysmographic (Pleth) curve
Real-time pulse pressure curve.

The MightySat (#9900) offered in the Apple Store is a «home version» and is not suitable for medical purposes!

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